ECO PASSPORT by OEKO-TEX® is an independent certification for chemicals, colourants and accessories used in the manufacturing of textiles and leather articles. We check that each individual substance in the chemical products meets the statutory requirements and that it is not harmful to human health. ECO PASSPORT can certify all chemical products such as textile and leather chemicals, colourants and auxiliaries as well as corresponding formulations which are used in the textile, leather and clothing industries and which meet the strict guidelines.

Weitere Videos
GMO Quantification in cotton

This webcast gives an insight into the GMO quantification of cotton and answers frequently asked questions. What advantages do you get from…


Get safer, more sustainable products via verified chemical inputs. Spend 20 min. with John Frazier to understand how to use the ECO PASSPORT…

STeP Academy

STeP stands for Sustainable Textile and Leather Production and is a transparent process certification for environmentally friendly and…

Präsenz-Schulungen zum Thema Sicherheit & Nachhaltigkeit

21.11.2023 Lunch & Learn
Bio­lo­gi­sche Ab­bau­bar­keit von tex­ti­len Pro­duk­ten
23.10.2024 Thementag
From Softlines to Hardlines
21.10.2021 Thementag
Grüner Knopf: So gelingt die Umsetzung
05.06.2024 Seminar
He­raus­for­de­rung Che­mi­ka­lien­ma­nage­ment: An­sprü­che, Gren­zen und re­alis­ti­sche Mach­bar­keit bei der Pro­duk­tion von Tex­ti­lien und Schu­hen (929)
21.11.2023 Sonstiges
Hohenstein Roadshow 2023 (Frankfurt a. M.)
26.04.2024 Seminar
Jacke wie Hose? Ef­fi­zienz und Nach­hal­tig­keit durch spe­zi­fi­sche Pro­zes­se in der Ma­te­rial­prü­fung (930)
09.10.2024 Sonstiges
OEKO-TEX® Summit 2024
Schu­lung zur Pro­be­nah­me von Trink­was­ser (310)
05.12.2023 Thementag
Thementag PSA
23.01.2024 Universitäre Weiterbildung
Zertifikatskurs CSR-Manager/in (univ.) - Modul 2: Corporate Social Responsibility (101 II)